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gvSIG-Desktop 1.1. Manual de usuario.

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2011-04-19 16:42



This geoprocess allows you to change the geodesic projection of the vector elements in the input layer. In order to do so, the user must specify the new projection to be applied.

This process is extremely useful when standardising cartographies in the same project if these are in different projections.

Reproyección de una capa

Click on the geoprocessing wizard in the tool bar and select the “Reproject” option from the “Data conversion” folder.


Click on “Open geoprocess”. The wizard will open to guide you through the reprojection process.

In “Input layer”, select the layer you wish to reproject from the layers loaded in the ToC.

To select the new projection for the layer, click on the button next to the destination projection and select the new reference system.


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